Korean Joint Security Area

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JSA Soldier

JSA Soldier in UN barrack building

Since the World War II Korea is devided by a 250km border line into a Northern and a Southern part. The Joint Security Area (JSA) is the only portion of the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) where South and North Korean forces stand face-to-face. The JSA is used by the two Koreas for diplomatic engagements, and is also the site of military negotiations between North Korea and the United Nations Command. The barrack buildings, with are used for the negotiations are all painted in light blue – the colours of the United Nations organization.

However, after my visit I was happy to leave the depressive atmosphere. It felt, like war could start within the next minute. The only funny thing (and actually rare I was told) was a North Korean military visitor group, taking photographs like us – of course into the other direction. So there is a good chance, that now somewhere a North Korean photo album shows a picture of me, taking a photo of them.

  • JSA Soldier
  • Joint Security Area
  • Joint Security Area - North Korean Visitor Group
  • JSA - Propaganda Village Kijŏng-dong
  • Dorasan Station

Posted: March 16, 2012

Author: Torsten Schubert

Category: Asia, Blog, Far East, Location

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  1. […] startet vermutlich an vielen Wochentagen und kostete 2012 um USD80. Hier ein paar Bilder von mir: Korean Joint Security Area (JSA) | Travel with Torsten Weitere Infos auch hier: How to Visit the Korean Joint Security Area: 4 Steps Ich habe hier gebucht […]

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